; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; TextPad keyword syntax file for Fortran 90/95 syntax, for Compaq Visual ; Fortran 6.1 and Lahey-Fujitsu Fortran LF95. ; By Francisco J. M. Simoes (fsimoes@do.usbr.gov) ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Aug. 8, 1999 - under revision. ; Date of last change: 5-19-2000 ; Still to do: ; - non-standard intrinsic functions of Compaq Visual Fortran and Lahey-Fujitsu ; Fortran LF95; ; - some compiler extensions. ; Decided not to do: ; - format descriptors; it caused commonly used variables (such as i, l, ; t, ...) to assume the wrong color. ; NOTE: some of the functions included in [Keywords 2] (intrinsic functions) ; are non-standard. However, the VMS and U*X intrinsic functions are not ; included in this syntax file. In a later, all non-standard functions will be ; transfered fo the [Keywords 4] group. ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Please drop me a line if you find any mistakes or if you see a way of ; improving this syntax definition file, and I'll get on it as soon as ; possible. C=1 [Syntax] Namespace1 = 6 IgnoreCase = Yes InitKeyWordChars = \A-Za-z KeyWordChars = /A-Za-z BracketChars = OperatorChars = - PreprocStart = \ CommentStart = &Metri CommentEnd = c CommentStartAlt = CommentEndAlt = SingleComment = $ SingleCommentCol = SingleCommentAlt = ! SingleCommentColAlt = StringStart = ' StringEnd = ' StringAlt = " StringEsc = ' CharStart = ' CharEnd = ' CharEsc = ' ; metacommands (Microsoft and Digital Fortran compilers). ;[Keywords 1] [Preprocessor Keywords] \AXLE \BODY \CHARACTERISTIC \CONNECTION \CONTACT \CONTROL \CP \CURVATURE \DATA \DOF \EQUILIBRIUM \FLANGE \FRICTION \GAGE \INITIAL \INPUT \LATERAL \LONGITUDINAL \MAX \MEASURED \NET \OUTPUT \PERCENT \PWL \RAIL \REVERSE \RIGHT \RUN \SHEAR \SPIN \STEPPING \SUMMED \SUPERELEVATION \SYSTEM \TOTAL \TRACK \TRANSDUCER \TWO \VELOCITY \VERTICAL \WHEEL \WHEEL/RAIL \W/R ANGLE AREA AXLE BACK COEFFICIENTS CONNECTION CONSTANTS CREEP CURVE DATA DEFLECTION DENSITY DISPLACEMENT DISSIPATION ELEMENT ELLIPTICITY FACE FILE FIRST FLANGE FORCE GAP GEOMETRY HISTORY ID INDEX KALKER L LAT LATERAL LENGTH LOAD LONGITUDINAL MASTER NORMAL POINT POSITION POWER R RADIUS RAIL RANGE RATIO RELATIVE RESISTANCE ROLL ROLLING SHIFT SPEED SPIN STATIC STRESS STROKE SUM TIE TITLE TORQUE TRACK TRANSDUCER V VELOCITY VERT VIDEO W WEAR WHEEL WIDTH YAW ; Statements. [Keywords 1] ;[Preprocessor Keywords] ; Intrinsic functions. ; Includes non-standard intrinsic functions from Compaq Visual Fortran. [Keywords 2] ; Other reserved words (logical operators, specifiers,...). [Keywords 3] ; Non-standard keywords (statements, functions, ...). [Keywords 4] ; Obsolescent statements. [Keywords 5] ; $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ; DOS.LIB (FAT-DOS) Copyright (c) 1987 Marc A. Norton ; $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ [Keywords 6] ; $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ; PRIVAT.LIB ; $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$