AAR Registry of M-1003 Certified Facilities
Commonly referred to as “the Registry” or “the M-1003 Registry”, this live, searchable database contains the most current listing of M-1003-certified facilities and the activities (products or services) covered by their M-1003 certification. It is a public database designed to inform AAR member railroads, suppliers, and others of all facilities that are certified to the M-1003 Quality Assurance Specification.
Important: The Registry contains the most up-to-date information regarding a facility’s certification status. If a facility is listed in the Registry, they have received initial M-1003 certification and their M-1003 certification is current.
Tips for searching the registry:
- You can export the Registry as a .csv file by clicking the “Export Registry” link above the QA Code column. Keep in mind that because the Registry is a live database, exporting only captures a snapshot of the data at any given time.
- Each column in the registry provides typical spreadsheet functionality.
- To SORT the values in a given column by ascending or descending order, simply click the column header.
If you have further questions, please see the Frequently Asked Questions Page, or email QA@aar.com.