Application for M-1003 Certification
Thank you for your interest in becoming certified to the AAR Specification for Quality Assurance, M-1003. The specification applies to new, reconditioned, repaired, modified, requalified, and secondhand materials and products for use in North American Railway Interchange Service. The provisions of M-1003 are mandatory when referenced in the Field Manual of the AAR Interchange Rules, AAR Circular Letter or in the AAR standard describing the requirements of the product or service being supplied (see Appendix A for current listing).
The goal of this page is to provide M-1003 applicants with information necessary to submit a complete M-1003 application. For guidance on other topics, see the Frequently Asked Questions Page.
Before beginning an application, it is highly encouraged that you purchase MSRP Section J and thoroughly review the requirements of M-1003 Chapter 3. There, you will find the requirements for application as well as the procedure for M-1003 certification and maintenance. Further, please be aware of your facility’s need for technical approval. To determine if your facility requires technical approval, find the Activity (product or service) your facility provides in Appendix A of M-1003. The right-most column will identify the need for technical approval.
All M-1003 applications must be submitted online at Applications are required for initial certification only. Using any browser, log in to the website and follow the simple steps for application submission. Please prepare the following documents, as they are required to be submitted as part of a complete application package:
- Quality assurance manual approved by senior management official.
- Organization chart depicting QA function.
- Company quality policy statement.
- Brief description of QA program.
- Statement describing the scope of product/service provided.
- Listing of current AAR approvals or certificates relating to the product/service (if applicable).
- Proof of pending sales to the North American Railway Interchange Service.
After complete application submission, the AAR QA Program Coordinator will review the application and assign to the appropriate AAR Auditing Agency. That Agency will then contact you for audit scheduling.
All M-1003 incomplete new applications will deleted from the system after 3-months. If you still wish to become M-1003 Quality Assurance certified then you must start applying again from the beginning.
If you have further questions, please see the Frequently Asked Questions Page, or email